
Building a strong brand and having a unique voice online are two key factors of a successful marketing strategy. Whether you’re a whizz with words or stumble as you go, you can’t deny the importance of great copy and content and the difference it can make to your business.

But can you do it yourself or should you work with a freelance copywriter?

Of course, you can do it by yourself. But that doesn’t mean you should.

Business owners have so much going on and so many things to think about. From sending products and invoices to website redesign and working out whatever SEO is. There’s a lot to do. But when you work with a copywriter, you’ll be handing over one of the most important aspects of your marketing strategy to an expert. And a good one even works in SEO too.

The right copywriter will take off a lot of the pressure so that you can focus on other areas of your business. They’ll create unique content that’s SEO optimised and that reaches the right people at the right time.

Here are 7 of the top reasons why working with an experienced copywriter is a great idea and how it can really impact your business.

But First, What Is A Copywriter?

Copywriters, sometimes referred to as content writers, basically write all the content or copy for a business. If you’re a multinational corporation, they often work closely with design and marketing teams to write adverts and printed texts for distribution. A good copywriter develops concepts and translates them into relatable and appealing content.

For smaller companies and one-man bands, a copywriter will work with you to develop a strong online voice that makes you stand out from others in your field. They’ll also set a content structure so that you’re regularly posting and optimising content to reach your target audience. An SEO copywriter will carry out keyword research and expertly include them in texts to ensure your blog, website or landing page ranks highly.

They are responsible for producing a wide range of texts that get your company noticed.


freelance copywriter


7 Benefits of Working With A Copywriter

There are numerous benefits of working with a copywriter which span the entire company set-up. Here are a couple of the key ones:

#1 Save Time

One of the biggest benefits of working with a copywriter is saving time. When you work with an expert, there’s no need for you to stare at a screen, wondering what to write. You don’t need to research topics, work out your audience or read through you’re text for spelling errors and mistakes.

Your. Very good.

A great copywriter will spend time understanding your business, how it runs and the goals you have for it. They’ll ask the correct questions to develop an engaging brand voice that makes you stand out. You don’t need to spend your time trying to overcome these obstacles. You can focus on other areas of your business that only you can do and optimise these fully.

#2 Have Quality Content

If you’re doing it well, your website, blog or printed copy will be the first thing a potential customer sees of your company. So, it needs to be good.

Not only does it need to answer their questions (and state why your company has the solutions), but it also needs to be appealing and attractive. You want people to return to your company because your products or services are good and because they know how to easily find you. It needs to represent your brand’s ethos and ensure they return as repeat customers.

An experienced copywriter can find the correct balance between engaging your readers and selling.

#3 Boost Your SEO

Nowadays, a good website is one of the most powerful things a business can have. As well as being well-designed, it needs to rank in SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). If your website isn’t being found, it doesn’t matter how great your products or services are, you won’t be selling them.

An SEO copywriter will carry out thorough keyword research and use the latest software to plan interesting, engaging and relatable content that your audience is actually looking for. They’ll link it to existing content and fully optimise it to make sure it ranks highly. An SEO content manager can also come up with a long-term plan for content and how your business can develop online.

#4 Create A Tone of Voice With Your Copywriter

Even though it sounds easy, developing a tone of voice that matches your brand, is engaging and sells your business can be difficult. You want your blogs and website to answer your audience’s questions, build trust and mark you as an expert in your field.

The copy should be entertaining to read, informative and unique.

#5 Consistently Create New and Unique Content

Let’s say you have a blog on your website. You’ve written a couple of interesting articles but you’re running out of ideas of what to write about next. A copywriter can do competitor research to come up with new and unique topics that your audience will enjoy reading. They’ll be able to find keywords and create engaging content that’s different.

An SEO copywriter will also create a realistic schedule so that content is being added regularly and consistently.

#6 Offer Fresh Opinions

Especially if you’re a small business owner, it’s easy to get bogged down in the intricacies of how your company runs. What you think might work best when it comes to content and copy might not actually be the case.

A professional copywriter will have experience working with other companies and industries and will be able to offer unique and fresh opinions as to what would help your business to succeed. They’ll be able to take your ideas and goals and make them into exciting and new content that will make you stand out from your competition. A fresh perspective can make all the difference in how your business develops.

#7 Save Money

This one might be a bit of a surprise, but it’s often very true. When you take on content planning, keyword research, writing, posting, and monitoring yourself, that quickly amounts to many hours of work. And that’s if you do it perfectly the first time around. Imagine how many extra hours there are of researching how to do something, checking and amending mistakes. That’s a lot of time, which equals a lot of money.

Working with a freelance copywriter is a great way to save money, especially if you’re not in a position to take one on full-time. You’ll be paying for a great job the first time round, which can work out really cost-effectively.


SEO copywriter



There are so many reasons to hire an experienced copywriter. Whether you’re a new business or one that’s already made a name for itself online, good-quality content is increasingly important. It represents your business and is often the first impression someone gets of your products and services.

It’s best to work with an SEO copywriter who can carry out keyword research and optimise your online content so that it ranks and appears in your customers’ search results. If you think your company could benefit from fresh copy, get in contact with me today. I’ll be happy to go through your options and what would work best for you.


Need a Freelance Copywriter
or SEO Content Manager?

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The first step to having great content that ranks in SERPs is finding a copywriter that you trust. They need to develop your brand’s voice and have experience in increasing a company’s online presence.

Get in touch with me to see what great
content can do for your business.
